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Eclipse of Shadows (Ebon Revenants)

Eclipse of Shadows (Ebon Revenants)

Regular price $9.99 USD
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In the dim recesses of an ancient world, where the boundaries between light and shadow blur, the tale of Eclipse of Shadows begins. It is a world where the arcane and the supernatural hold sway, and the enigmatic forces of the universe play their intricate games with the lives of mortals.
The curtain rises in a realm that exists both alongside and beyond our own, a place where the veils of reality are thin, and the shadows conceal secrets older than time itself. In this world, darkness and light are in a perpetual dance, each influencing the other in ways both profound and unpredictable.
The story unfolds in the coastal city of Daytona Beach, where an Ocean Deck holds a fragile peace, having emerged from the turbulent events of "Shadows Unleashed." But, as the title suggests, a looming eclipse is casting its shadow over the lives of our protagonists, heralding a resurgence of malevolence that will test their mettle and the boundaries of their understanding.
Amidst this darkening tapestry, the characters grapple with their own inner demons and the external forces that threaten to consume them. The allure of power, the depths of darkness, and the resilience of light will be tested in ways they could never have foreseen.
As the prologue unfolds, it beckons you into a world of magic, mystery, and ever-encroaching shadows. The tale is a labyrinthine journey into the unknown, a narrative that will leave you questioning the true nature of light and shadow and the intricate dance between them.

With each page turned, the eclipse deepens, and the shadows grow longer, and the story draws you further into its embrace, an enigma waiting to be unraveled, a story begging to be told.
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